Thursday, 9 March 2017

Lead Teacher day - Week 4

What a full on day of talking to other teachers in the Toki Pounamu trenches and learning.

What stuck with me was Madeline talking about not being a perfectionist with Learning sites. Too often we want to withhold pages until they look 'perfect' and 'ready' for public eyes.
When we do this we are disadvantaging our students and subtly re-inforcing that it is about the work looking a certain way rather than the ideas or interesting content.

Madeline tries to model this with her Toki Pounamu site and resources.
Learning sites should be a public record of ongoing learning - not a pristine archive.

I am trying to model this now in my own learning sites. Content will go on when the students need it rather than when it looks ready.

As an art teacher I need to let go of perfectionism!

1 comment:

  1. I agree it was a very interesting day, I learnt so much.
