Monday, 20 August 2018

A chance to be a part of a Masters research project.

For those of you who don't know me, I am currently enrolled in the Masters of Applied Practice at Unitec New Zealand. 

 Are you working with the Knowledge Building model? Do you work in a New Zealand Secondary School? Have you been working with Knowledge Building for at least a year? Are you interested in sharing ideas with other teachers about how Knowledge Building Communities can work in New Zealand?

If so, I am looking for teachers like you, to share your experiences and expertise in developing a Knowledge Building Community. Together we'll explore issues such as: what are the challenges, what goes into making a Knowledge Building Community, and how do teachers go about this in New Zealand?
You don’t need to be working with Knowledge Building currently, simply to have one or more years experience with it.

There will be a  focus group which is a one-off event which will take about 45 minutes. There will also be individual interviews which will typically take about half an hour. These will take place online using an application that works for you, at a time that is most convenient for you.

You are very welcome to contact me or my supervisor directly if you need more information about the project.

Please feel free to share my pānui with teachers you think might be interested.

Ngā mihi nui,
Philippa Mallinson

Project researcher: Philippa Mallinson, phone 027-469-9702 or email

Project supervisor: Prof. Hayo Reinders, phone 021-747926 or email

This study has been approved by the UNITEC Research Ethics Committee from (20 August 2018
) to (20 August 2018)
If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this research, you may
contact the Committee through the UREC Secretary (ph: 09 815-4321 ext 8551). Any issues
you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be informed of the